[unknown awaitings]

welcome to [unknown awaitings] - your favourite wallpaper provider - in it's 19th edition. we deliver something new once a month.

Through a window

As I went on my way back inside
I heard a sound that no wall could hide
from out of a room
matching the tune
I heard singing about the west side

Through the windowpane I took a peek
I saw old records, many antique
Ethel was dancing
My eyes were glancing
Then all turned into something unique





this desktop wallpaper is available in the following sizes:

5:4 4:3 16:10
1280 x 1024 pixels 800 x 600 pixels 1280 x 800 pixels
  1024 x 768 pixels  
  1152 x 864 pixels  
  1400 x 1050 pixels  
  1600 x 1200 pixels