january 2021
Red on white
The first rising
Of the red sun
The bells silent
Their songs all sung
I counted clearly
Heard sincerely
The last one
Will ring for long

resolution output
this desktop wallpaper is available in the following sizes:
february 2021
Knock down ginger
So you think you can play me
Call it a prank
Call you a teaser
True appeaser
First you come knocking
Sugar come by
Now there's no stopping
You crying why
Sugary sweetness
Loosing it's taste
No worries honey
Let's ginger this haste
Nothing to knock up
Nowehere to run
Playtime is over
Welcome serious fun

resolution output
this desktop wallpaper is available in the following sizes:
march 2021
Alderbest times
Once in full bearing
Now utter silence
Bearings long gone
Space standing timeless
No more gaining
Wood gone bare
Waning lest
No more

resolution output
this desktop wallpaper is available in the following sizes:
april 2021
Mikado giggle
Shattering my grey skies
Crackling my ice
Bringing in the colour
Of my black and white mind
Impossible to stay put
Or to be unmoved
It's her giggle smile
That makes mine
come shining through

resolution output
this desktop wallpaper is available in the following sizes:
may 2021
The science of milksop
Just to be square
These divided thoughts
Multiply expectations
A chemistry memory
This double-Blind call
Scalar implications
Data will show
Timid must go
Distilling realisations

resolution output
this desktop wallpaper is available in the following sizes:
june 2021
Ink in
You ask me to colour in
Our everyday life
For summer ain't turning
If these spaces stay dry
Greens of the grasses
Yellowness of warmth
Palets to choose from
To brighten these thoughts
Let's make this a memory
How ever you please
To look back on and remember
The things we didn't see

resolution output
this desktop wallpaper is available in the following sizes:
july 2021
Some are riding water
Others burning fat
We are on the watch for
Treasures to forget
Heat a pulsing heartbeat
Sweat a salty drink
The sand grinding memory
Trying not to think
This coastal battle reign
All summer will remain

resolution output
this desktop wallpaper is available in the following sizes:
august 2021
Rub of the green
Sway nights
Magic lights
City's playful
Summer rites
Needs to hide
Out of sight
Luck's faithful
Skies jadeite

resolution output
this desktop wallpaper is available in the following sizes:
september 2021
I weather the hour
Not just you regular
You pass me unnoticed
Let me standby
Ordinary beauty
Just wait for my crime
I'll dazzle you up
Confuse your desire
You'll only see me
not what I'm hiding
Catch me down under
And my poison goes wilding

resolution output
this desktop wallpaper is available in the following sizes:
october 2021
Caput mortuum
They say time
Will heal all wounds
But with you
I'm being the fool
It's your breath on me
Your sweat on me
It's killing me
As it's fulfilling me
You say we are by laws restraint
And all that's left
These worthless remains

resolution output
this desktop wallpaper is available in the following sizes:
november 2021
Things not always crystal clear
Mess it up
As much you will
This mess that's left
It's not that urgent
Leave overnight
Kick in detergent
Blowing agent
On the watch
Wash away
Idle botch

resolution output
this desktop wallpaper is available in the following sizes:
december 2021
Silver lines man
Draw the line
Play it safe
Try to ably
This ruleset maze
But when I see it in
You call it out
When I see possibility
You change the route
Whatever we'll try
Or whatever we do
We'll always be under
The judgement of you

resolution output
this desktop wallpaper is available in the following sizes: