
The world was still pitch-black
as I opened my eyes
   (a bird chanted)
I felt paralysed with eyesight taken
Then I realized new gainings

For sure I had heard before
distant memories
    (an old man)
But this was different
These were new perspectives
New truths

An awkward feeling
as if I was reborn
lifted to higher callings

A bird, a cricket, an owl,
something in the higher grass on the right,
the bowing of the tree,
the dancing of the wind

Then fear came over me
as I noticed dawn rising
Would this sensation vanish?
   (as the sun sets as the moon rises)

But as light awoke
I saw the bird
that sang to me



this desktop wallpaper is available in the following sizes:

5:4 4:3 16:10
1280 x 1024 pixels 800 x 600 pixels 1280 x 800 pixels
  1024 x 768 pixels  
  1152 x 864 pixels  
  1400 x 1050 pixels